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Sunday, March 25

Haven been updating this blog.. As busy with work now, life after marriage is so totally different from singlehood...

Work i am still in the mid of picking up.. Alot to learn but i will jia you one...

Ytd i did something which i din do it since 1 year plus ago... I went to cut my hair.. Though some may think its still long.. but to me.. It is SHORT!!!!!!!!!!!! Haiz.. But too much of damage hair.. Better go cut it away.. Now i need to take good care of my hair to grow beautifully...

After i went for work i went to cut my hair.. Then went home to put my stuffs before hb and i head out to Suntec... Hb went to do his stuffs then we shop at Suntec... Its been long since the two of us went shopping.. muhahahha.. cos we two "super homey" type of person.

Went to Iora bought one top.. Then i saw got sales and i bought a few more... I love wearing Iora clothing for work.. We went to have dinner at Fish & Co.. Been craving to eat at Fish and Co sia.. MUhahahha...

Hb bought a toy for himself.. But i paid part of it as his early birthday pressie... Yeah at least i settled his bday pressie liao... Next will need to think for my mummy one..

Hmmm... Today went to attend Ashton baby shower... (^.^)v very lovely and cute boy... Hope he will grow up well and handsome.. hehhehe..

Tml gg to start work without Poy.. Hope all goes smoothly til she come back. Cross fingers...

Nitey all and Take Care...

~ { 9:48 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, December 13

Yup today just came back from Bali..

Bali is really a beautiful and relax place to go. except for some irrating insects flying ard..

Stayed at a beautiful and big villa.. We got our own swimming pool so we can enjoy ourselves...

PIL took the room on the second floor while hb and i took the one beside the pool..

Room is big and well organise, but there are some cracks on the wall.. just ignore it and you will still find it pretty relaxing...

The toilet is open concept type.. Really very nice...

However the insects over there is really alot.. So even when bathing you will have the fear of being biten by the insects.. Esp "Yi Wen"... >.< i got biten quite a few times..

The weather is pretty much like here.. Except more hotter... lol... I even got some tanned skin back.. haiz... i spent so long to whiten my skin now turn tanned liao.. so sad...

Spent most of our time at the villa... cos we are there to relax and nua...

1st day when we reached, we went searching for food nearby the villa... Managed to find nice food.. Must try is their bbq platter for 4... Super yummy.. Then we went back to swim and relax...

Must give thumbs up for the villa.. As they assign butler to us... Wohooo... Super friendly butler.. Even though i find that we are kinda troublesome but still our butler give us good service and nice smile... Of cos we do tip them well.. hahhaha...

2nd day we took a morning swim then PIL had their spa for 3 hrs.. Hb and i walked ard the area, to the beach, to shops... I bought 2 dresses and a few more stuffs... We even walked in a spa to do a foot massage.. Lol.. SO shiok til i fall aslp... hahahha...

Later in the evening, the villa arrange a bbq dinner for us.. (inside our villa package) 2 chief bbq the food for us and our butler set up the table... THe food is really nice.. Esp we all love the lamb....Super nice and tender... Nice food, nice atmosphere... Wohoo shiok sia...

3rd day we got a 4 hr tour (included in our villa package) and we went to their traditional mkt.. But thats not wat we really wanna go.. so in the end the driver drove us to other places... End up shopping again.. hahhahah.. This time round spent $1++ USD...

Then we all rush back to the villa to rest cos 2pm is hb and mine spa time.. We also took 3 hr spa treatment.. Shiok shiok...

After which we booked a transport to go Carrefour.. Muhahhha.. we went there buying drinks, instant noodles, fruits etc... Really damn cheap lo.. Jap melon only SGD abt 8... If we go our local shopping centre to see, is about $80 lo.. Sweet and juicy melon. We bought 1 carton of instant noodles back.. muhahhaha.. crazy us...

Had our dinner at the shopping area and we request our driver to drop us at the main street nearby our villa, so we can shop while walking back to villa... Additional belt for me... and bought one jumper.. However all these are paid by my FIL.. hehhehe.. Thank you oh...

At late nite we ordered supper and watch two more movie before heading to slp..

TOday jus took the transport to the airport and home sweet home...

Overall feeling:
Villa is nice but it will be nicer if it is free from insects...
Food is nice...
Villa staffs all are friendly..
Weather nice but too hot for me..
Traffic is super terrible..
Shopping wise pretty nothing much..
Spa is good.

Oh ya one point to note, on the road of Bali, do careful when walking as their road is full of offering that Bali ppl made.. So do not step on it or kick it..

Shopping if can bargain, must must must bargain...

Well above is what i feel and had throughout this Bali trip.. (^.^)v

~ { 8:10 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Monday, June 27

Back to blog
Wooo its been long since i last blog...

Erm.. I just completed my contract job, completed another round of exams...

The exams real tough.. think gone case for one.. haiz... Gotta wait for aug then will know the result... Good or bad leave it to the hand of marker..

After exams, went out with hubby... then we prepare ourselves to fly to Gold coast for holidays... Wohoo.. Pretty excited over the trip...

Went to dreamworld and movieworld.. Humpz.. i dont really recommend dreamworld to friends.. Cos its pretty boring over there.. nothing much to see or play.. -_-"

Movieworld is much more better.. With all the familiar characters that we know.. hahha.. the shows and games are much more better too...

Well we got one free day at gold coast.. and hb and i simply just walk around our hotel area.. as it is near to the beach coast... nice and the cold wind simply makes us feel we are in winter.. hahahhaa...

Soon we flew to Melbourne for our part 2 of the tour... Well hb and i like Melbourne more.. Maybe we are not those beach lover ba...

Overall the trip is ok except the food is really not our cup of tea.. and the drinks really super ex... hahhahah...

Flew back to sg on last friday... then hb and i spent our weekend lazing ard... hahhahah...

Now hb back to work and i have to start look for job liao...

Well pretty nothing much gg on in my life..


~ { 7:56 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, March 1

Happy birthday to myself
Happy birthday to me.. Happy birthday to me.. Happy birthday to myself.. Happy birthday to me...

Wanna thanks all my frens for the birthday wishes..

Plus my darlings for celebrating my birthday with me...


Wish my exam paper can clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want to wear my graduation gown sooonnnnnnnn...

Find a good job..

Hb to love me more and control his temper more... oops... hehhehe...

Go to my honeymoon trip....

Save more money too...

Yeah.. thats my wishes for this year.. hope can fulfill it in this year... (^0^)v

~ { 11:18 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Sunday, February 27

Well.. hmmm.. wat to blog.

Gg to be my bday soon.. But i did celebrate it in advance with my PSA ex colleagues... We went KTV... They surprise us with the delicous cake.. Us = Edelyn, Yao and me.. hehehhehe..

Ytd went to expo to shop.... Cos quite a few sales... Went to burberry sales.. Bought one wristlet for myself.. then went to borders sales.. bought quite a few books.. But at the expo so cold.. caught a cold at there.. -_-"

After that went to in law hse to have quick shower.. then went to Yishun to have our dinner.. Cos is MIL bday... Food really nice... hei hei.. so abit of eat non stop.. hahahhaha..

Da sao bought cake for MIL.. Sweet but nice cake...

Today hb bring me to have lunchie at Jack's place... Had lobster for lunchie.. yummy... but think we ate too full.. As we went to home straight, very fast we fall aslp.. hahahhahaha... Slpt til nearly 7pm then we woke up..

Ate simple dinner.. Due to been eating so sinful for the past few meals.. haiz... ruin my dieting plan..

Cant wait for sat to come.. Gg to watch JJ concert.. wohooo....

~ { 11:18 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 25

Our Pressies

Recently been buying pressies.. Either from me or from hb.. hehehhe..
As my bday is earlier part of the year.. and cum so near VDay.. Hb jus bought my pressie... hahhahaha.. OTO Cruncher.. Hope it really works well for my super big tummy.. >.<>

Really need to thank my dearest hb for the pressies... Hug hug..
I also got get one VDay pressie for him.. I am treating him to watch JJ Lin Concert... Hei hei.. Got Cat 2 tickets for us... Hei hei hei... Waiting for March to come.. Wooooooo...

~ { 10:32 PM }
reflections of you and me;

Tuesday, January 11

Started my temp job le... Well kinda ok la feeling.. But i like most is the working hrs.. Lol.. at least before 6 i am out of office and on my way home..
However still hope i can sharpen up my skill before finding perm..

Last weekend hb requested me to do my crochet for our pc.. hmmm... maybe will go find good yarn to start doing it for cny ba... Plus gotta do one more for our printer..

Anyway CNY is jus abt less than 1 mth timing.. But i haven even buy any clothing.. hmmm.. Maybe this coming weekend should go out buy some.. If not is online shopping again for me...

What else.. Hmmmm...

Like nothing much to update le..

When theres more to update then i will be back.. Ciaoz..

~ { 10:46 PM }
reflections of you and me;